31 July 2008
Media- Thumbs Up or Down?
On the downside, one of the news headlines today was something like "Lindsay Caught Picking at Her Nose."
19 July 2008
Fashion Cash-in
Not that I can afford even one piece of these lines, but these are my niches in fashion, if that even makes sense.
Cheap Monday (especially their awesome skinny jean choices and colors)
April 77 is a line that I think is my new favorite- ever! The mens and womens lines are amazing- I love the punk-rockish look without being too Hot Topic. This line defnitely seems to be worth the pretty penny. I love it! Even cooler, a record label from the designers with a hip-hop sound called April 77 Records has been started.
Salasai hails from New Zealand. It's edgy, while still being feminine and classy. I love the color palatte- blacks, reds, dark blues, gold/beiges. A lot of the pieces can be mixed and matched too.
18 July 2008
Internet Takes Over Lives
**Note that deactivate means I can get it back exactly how I left it at anytime.
Jonas Jonas Jonas
12 July 2008
A Big Loss

30 June 2008
Music Music Music/Chicago

Josh Kelley aka Katherine Heigl's husband has a few songs that I love- and seeing him perform "Almost Honest" and "Amazing" live was so awesome. He was pretty funny too, as was the rest of his band.
I seriously thought Plain White T's were just going to play their set and not really say much, but the lead singer is pretty funny! I've seen them comment on the "I Love.." shows on VH1, where they made me laugh and it didn't stop there. They played a new song from their album out this fall which they had never played before, along with "Our Time Now" (some people know this as the Greek theme song), "Hate(I Really Don't Like You), and "Hey There, Delilah."
Both performances were really really good- awesome for a free show!
Now, I don't mind interning (I am now, at a radio station 102.3 XLC) because I can observe, learn new things about the business, and gain contacts. But I just don't want to do something that's not interesting/exciting to me. I really really like the type of people that are in the music industry that I have met so far (well, I haven't had too much time with major record labels' top employees yet) -the creativity, artistic minds, and a lot more.
I like that the music industry is always on the go- touring, new music, festivals, etc. The experiences that I have had so far this past year have been really great, and I'm excited to see what will happen next!
24 June 2008
Music Music Music
And they're playing Lollapalooza this year!
Cool Cause + Music

Lance Armstrong already committed to the race, along with many other athletes. Staying true to modern uses of the internet, nikeplus.com offers a place where you can create a user profile and has access to information about the race and pre-race training.
There will be 25 major recording artists in each of the 25 cities- including Kanye West in the Los Angeles race and Fall Out Boy in the Chicago (yay!) race. Other cities include London, Paris, and Madrid.
This sounds pretty cool, and there is already a great source of more information for participants at nikeplus.com. I wonder if any of it will be televised? Hopefully, the turnout will be really really successful- I'm sure the huge performers + the cause itself is enough for people to get interested. Once on the website, you choose which city you want to run in, and also the charity you would like your proceeds to be donated to- pretty cool. The FAQ section will probably give you even more incentive to join, there's a lot of information in here! (this one is for Chicago's race).
Money made will be donated to each of the three organizations: WWF, the global conservation organization, Lance Armstrong Foundation and UN refugee agency's ninemillion.org campaign.
More Music Industry
The money is not necessarily just in the records themselves, but in a whole new form of branding on the internet. Sales from rap albums, as well as others, are down from just last year. These artists (LL Cool J, Jay-z) are already huge and established, and could do well on their own. There are more do-it-all entrepreneurs than ever- think Diddy. What they choose to do will without a doubt have a huge impact on the future of the music business.
The Future (should be) Now

I Love.. 'I Love..'
20 June 2008
Music Industry
Northside Pride
**UPDATE: Cubs swept the Sox this weekend- still another Cubs/Sox series coming up!
The Taste of Chicago in Grant Park- which is increasing ticket prices and I think having less vendors this year- is also coming up in a little over a week. It's really fun though, lots of people, only comes once a year, live music- definitely worth it! One of my favorite bands, A Cursive Memory is set to play.
Lollapalooza is coming up in early August, which I will be interning at- should be cool! Also Warped tour- which is the same weekend! Not so good.
14 June 2008
Late Night News
Also, right after watching a segment of some guy that jumped over 8 interns on the Late Show, the announcer says "Stay tuned for Spencer Pratt." WHAT?! So weird. Except I still think the FN MTV commercials are funny.
12 June 2008
Indie Rock
Funny Funny Funny
Can never get enough of this awesome impressionist, Frank Caliendo! He is so so so good at what he does. This is one of the best and funniest sets of his from the David Letterman Show.
There are a lot of aspiring comedians who aren't funny, too over the top, too raunchy, too repetitive, etc. But Caliendo puts on a great act; very funny! I've seen most of his stuff, and he should definitely come out with some new material soon.
More Hacking
11 June 2008
Pete Wentz
Mission Space
The device that left for space today was described as a "flashlight that will shine in space" where it can discover things not yet known or seen out there.
Also, the Kennedy Space Center is like a half hour from where I live and I've still never been there!!
07 June 2008
Reality TV
In this clip, Jeff Lewis, a crazy, funny guy who renovates expensive homes and sells them on his reality show "Flipping Out," refers to last season where he "flipped out" because his assistant brought him an order of food with onions- you can only guess how he felt about this, and he's not afraid to say it.
The show is coming back on June 17th!!
05 June 2008
Myspace Gets Outsmarted!
"Add the guy that got us where we are now! This is the guy that basically got us started from the ground up and really enjoyed helping us. He's an all around nice type of guy but recently got deleted.He help us as much as many others start off and since he has gotten deleted we want to help him out like he did so add him you might recongnize his face but help him get up there again!"
This story is only reportedly true.. with over 6,000 friends this guy is a genius, but also an idiot! What's the point? To get more friends.. on the internet? Or to show off?
He even went as far as to put himself on the band's top friends. Boys Like Girls has gotten very popular recently, with help of MTV and major radio airplay and are also signed to Columbia Records. The band from Boston has hundreds of thousands of friends, a lot of whom have potentially read the many bulletins posted today by the hacker.
The band may not yet have realized they have been hacked, and no statement has been released or update posted.
***Updated: Jesse's MySpace account was deleted
Dave's Top 10

Sex and the City

Twitter on CNN
It takes a little to get use to remembering to go to it- but users can make connections and send important information through their updated statuses.
This is a great example. A student alerted his friends he was arrested by updating his Twitter status through his cell as "Arrested," in which his friends were then aware of the situatuon. The student and his teacher were taken into custody while at a protest concerning the economy. He was let out of jail by help of a lawyer he hired. This has lead some to reaearch concerning a "Twitter network that would allow those in trouble to directly let someone know that they are in danger."
Interesting! Look what technology has come to. This is really cool, especially considering Twitter is kind of a newer site. It's fast, quick approach opens a lot of doors for researchers, and I'm sure there will be a lot of good that comes out of this.
03 June 2008
That's Nice!
On the topic of Vice President Dick Cheney and Senator Barack Obama's recent findings of being distantly related,
"Cheney explained that during the course of researching his family lineage for Lynne's memoir "Blue Skies, No Fences" last year, he learned there were Cheneys on both his father's and his mother's side of the family. There was a Richard Cheney on his mother's side, the vice president said, 'So I had Cheneys on both sides of the family and we don't even live in West Virginia," Cheney quipped.'
Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia was not amused:
'...Now that he or the Administration he represents no longer needs their vote, Mr. Cheney apparently feels that he is now free to mock and belittle the people of West Virginia. With his trademark arrogance, the Vice President even added 'You can say those things when you're not running for re-election.'"
"This pitiful comment is not entirely surprising when you consider the source. Vice President Cheney's words reflect the attitude of an administration and a party that says what they must to get elected and then turns their backs on those they promised to represent.' "
Yeah, that's nice.
Also, when I apply to intern or work at a record label- whenever that is- I think I don't want to start off with Major labels. That sounds backward, but this is just my opinion that those in the major record labels have been in the business for years and it's ALL about the money. I think that like, for indie record labels, more of the music- since it IS indie- is a bigger factor. That's really not the only reason at all because it could definitely not be true. I like a lot of music these days from labels like Drive-Thru Records, Tooth & Nail, and others. I think it's important to actually believe in, support, and understand the type of music that I would be working for.
I also don't want to end up working for a huge corporation (which who knows, I could end up happily doing that) because eventually I want to start/co-start my own company. I'm not exactly sure what kind, and hopefully I can start more than one unique organization, not necessarily all related to music or the music industry either.
Fashion, or Something Like It

*photos courtesy of hilarystyle.org and people.com
01 June 2008
Fashion Blues

I'm pretty sure they actually did, as I could tell by the camera's shots of the reaction from the shockes audience members.
The whole time this went on on the stage, the only shot of the presenters was from the furthest away camera, probably from the balcony, where you could barely make out who they were. It was pretty funny!!
31 May 2008
Needs to be Fixed
When I was at home, especially since I can remember starting in 2005 at my first year in college, I remember hearing about a ton of crashes involving teens in my area and surrounding areas. The causes including drunk driving, speeding, risky behavior behind the wheel, and accidents.
I think that parents should definitely be monitering their kids closely, especially when driving at young ages. The article also suggests having talks with your kids- which may sound cheesy, unnecessary, or uncomfortable. But it doesn't have to be long AND can make a huge difference.
The things parents say to their kids mold and shape them, and since this topic proves fatal, it's really important that this is paid attention to and addressed.
Why Don't You Do Something
Speaking of Florida..
The primaries for both states were, against rules, moved to later dates than scheduled this Jaunuary. Both remained on the Florida ballot, while Obama took his name off of the Michigan ballot.

Clinton is calling for full votes, while Senator Obama is calling for "half" votes. What?! What's a half vote- what's the point? Clinton just wants the full numbers to prove the polls wrong.
*photo courtesy of nytimes.com
I don't understand why they wouldn't just count ALL the votes, not "half-votes."
Recount: Part 2, is already in production..
Great Great Great Music
Oh well, these guys are good and have great, catchy songs.
Their song "Elegy" reeled me in right away!!
Hey Chicago what do ya say..

I just thought it was going to be a 2 hour episode of Sex and the City- which isn't a bad thing! But now that I know that there's a "surprise ending," I'm even more excited to see it.
Now I'm just scared that there will be spoilers all over tv, the Internet, and with people talking that I can not hear!!
Texas Polygamy Ranch...
There just seems to be more and more evidence that illegal acts are more possible than ever to have occured on the ranch with underage kids. But I just can't help thinking it's still very very sad how these YOUNG kids were whisked away from their families how they were.
I understand that it was for safety reasons of course for the kids, but the fact that the court overturned this ruling based on no evidence just proves for controversy in this case.
That's definitely not to say court rulings are always just and valid. But, these children will be affected for the rest of their lives because of this, not to mention their exposure from the huge media spotlight.
Late Night
*photo courtesy of huffingtonpost.com
I couldn't go without posting the very funny video clip from one of my favorite segments of his!!
29 May 2008
Go green
I also bought one of those Starbucks mugs that keeps cold liquids cold and hot liquids hot (I never drink coffee and needed to make use of my Starbucks giftcard sometime!), to carry around clean, filtered water in.
Totally doing my part!
Gas and Music
"My Thoughts....
After reading a recent Chicago Tribune article on how gas prices are affecting touring bands, it made me want to re-emphasize the importance of online sales (and community) to a band's success.
There are several bands on our Top Unsigned list selling over 5,000 songs (a couple over 10,000) on iTunes a month and about half are selling about 1,000 a month.Until producers costs come down, the costs of recording an album will be the same. But singles are what people want now.
People want to pay for good songs, not an album of fillers. Incorporating exclusive merchandise with new singles is a way to create income.
There is a lot of money to be made by unsigned bands. It is an unsigned market.Find forward-thinking management. That is key. Research and find licensing deals with merch and distribution.

Many companies are shifting their business models to take on unsigned bands. Don't let the rising gas prices and falling CD sales scare you. It should only shift your bands business model to a more profitable future, that's less dependent on labels.
Posted by tim.towner on May 29, 2008"
*photo courtesy of http://www.bized.co.uk
This is so so well-said! It's exactly to the point about the position of the music industry NOW. This is definitely something that should be addressed, as the music industry is changing with the rise of popularity of unsigned bands and independent labels. i.e.: artists/managers/etc supporting themselves!!!
These artists are reprenting a bigger piece of the industry now. I definitely agree with what Towner has to say about how business models should adjust accordingly in these new times for music.
That said, it's important for the band to work hard for this as well. It's unlikely that the band itself can do this without the help of promoters, managers, and/or agents.
I learned from the CEO of a social media marketing firm here in Orlando that the bands should create and perform the music and instead of trying to juggle promotions, websites,and materials, to hand it over to professionals, which is a great business decision.
It's not necessarily about the money for marketing companies, but about GREAT promoting of the entire package. Not just flyers. Not just websites. Not just fan interaction. But all of that and more must be paid attention to in order for a band to become a success. Plus, the band has to be able to deliver and attract crowds in a unique way- the most important aspect in my opinion. Producing new ways, especially with technology and the internet, are great starts to gaining some sort of incoming dollars for the band.
According to a recent panel of music industry execs and musicians themselves at the Florida Music Festival, a lot of people in the music business are solely in it for the money. But, again as an optimist, I think that there are a lot of people on the business side of music who begin with a passion for music- at least I would hope so! Such a shame if that's not the majority of cases..
Still don't know a ton about how this business works, but just some thoughts.
Rock Star Syndrome

Needs to Stop
These kids are just that- kids, and they're passing way way before their time due to violence, gangs, and overall differences.
It's hard to say what needs to be done to stop this, and I know it's not just in Chicago and needs to stop. There's no reason for this kind of violence to be going on; the reasoning comes down to differences between people.
Why judge other people? Why resort to VIOLENCE and crimes? The effort for after school programs , activities, and such to keep kids "off the streets" has potential but obviously it needs a lot more work.
Maybe the schools need to be more involved with their students, maybe not. It's hard to say, there are factors to consider for both sides.
Should the teachers with their already full days be reponsible for students after school hours? Is it the school's responsibility, in teaching a well-rounded curriculum and giving a good education to kids, to enforce programs or should that be led by outside organizations? Is it poor education in itself leading to children getting into trouble out of school hours?
It's not necessarily about the school itself, but it has got to be someone's responsibility to better the lives of kids and keep them out of trouble.
A cool example of some programs in Chicago.
Speaking of Florida..
Especially is interesting in how they don't show the faces of actors playing Bush and Gore.
*Update: It's a documentary with real footage of the news from the election day until the Supreme Court ruling to reject the recount.
It was actually really good, I'd watch it again; it's a pretty fast-paced piece. The acting was really good and like the reviews said, the film went into a lot of detail about events during those weeks that maybe the average person hadn't known.
Oh, and Kevin Spacey, who always chooses interesting roles, is also good.
Tech Tech Tech

for the children..

The Difference Between Want and Need

Love this dress above from Urban Outfitters.
Isn't it perfect for like a date night? I just need to find the date part.
Math Rules!
White House Rendezvous

"If he had these moral qualms," former Chief of Staff Karl Rove says, "he should have spoken up about them."
In the book, McClellan addresses the Administration's response to Hurricane Katrina, Iraq, as well as various figures in the White House.
Oh well, let freedom of speech be.
I mean, I understand their need to defend against what they may see are false claims or altered ideas and events and their questioning of credibility and why he only chose to speak up now.
It's hard what to believe anymore, it's kind of like O.J. Simpson's former (agent?) speaking out about how O.J. confessed to him and his new published book- which was widely questioned on why this man published his book years after the verdict.
Anyway, like said I'm all for freedom of speech. What is this gonna do anyway, bring the polls down.. more?
Sex And The City
YouTube is still taking over..
28 May 2008
From the network that gave us The Hills, Next, and Undressed..

Just like the show "Celebrity Rehab" on VH1 glamourized addiction, rapper T.I., convicted of possession of firearms along with other crimes is set to star in a documentary about his community service. Oh, and the conclusion will be when he starts his jail sentence.
*photo courtesy of tvguide.com
Jail, felon, firearms- just because it's a celebrity at hand, does that make it right to glamourize his or her wrongdoings by creating a documentary on very popular tv networks geared toward younger viewers?
MTV already pushes buttons, with its lack of music on a music television network (recently called out by artists Justin Timberlake and Pete Wentz) or its change to not tape Total Request Live.. well, live.
Why should this convict literally receive star treatment and star in his own show for committing a crime? Doesn't make any sense.