24 June 2008

Cool Cause + Music

The Nike+ Human Race is being advertised as the world's largest one day running event. It will take place in 25 cities on August 31 of this year. "Money will be raised via givebacks from registration fees, a percentage of Nike+ Human Race t-shirt sales and a donation of USD $1 million from Nike. " (from this article). There is also an online tool where users can pledge money.

Lance Armstrong already committed to the race, along with many other athletes. Staying true to modern uses of the internet, nikeplus.com offers a place where you can create a user profile and has access to information about the race and pre-race training.

There will be 25 major recording artists in each of the 25 cities- including Kanye West in the Los Angeles race and Fall Out Boy in the Chicago (yay!) race. Other cities include London, Paris, and Madrid.

This sounds pretty cool, and there is already a great source of more information for participants at nikeplus.com. I wonder if any of it will be televised? Hopefully, the turnout will be really really successful- I'm sure the huge performers + the cause itself is enough for people to get interested. Once on the website, you choose which city you want to run in, and also the charity you would like your proceeds to be donated to- pretty cool. The FAQ section will probably give you even more incentive to join, there's a lot of information in here! (this one is for Chicago's race).

Money made will be donated to each of the three organizations: WWF, the global conservation organization, Lance Armstrong Foundation and UN refugee agency's ninemillion.org campaign.

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