03 June 2008

That's Nice!

Reported from the huffingtonpost.com:

On the topic of Vice President Dick Cheney and Senator Barack Obama's recent findings of being distantly related,

"Cheney explained that during the course of researching his family lineage for Lynne's memoir "Blue Skies, No Fences" last year, he learned there were Cheneys on both his father's and his mother's side of the family. There was a Richard Cheney on his mother's side, the vice president said, 'So I had Cheneys on both sides of the family and we don't even live in West Virginia," Cheney quipped.'

Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia was not amused:

'...Now that he or the Administration he represents no longer needs their vote, Mr. Cheney apparently feels that he is now free to mock and belittle the people of West Virginia. With his trademark arrogance, the Vice President even added 'You can say those things when you're not running for re-election.'"
"This pitiful comment is not entirely surprising when you consider the source. Vice President Cheney's words reflect the attitude of an administration and a party that says what they must to get elected and then turns their backs on those they promised to represent.' "

Yeah, that's nice.

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